Past Productions

Celebration - Sat 10 April & Sun 11 April 2010

See theatre happening all over the Create Centre

SHOW OF STRENGTH & TRAVELLING LIGHT Theatre Companies join forces for the first time on a brand new festival of shows for young people and families (from 8 years) at The Create Centre, Hotwells, Bristol. From 10am-5pm brand new short plays will be happening all over the building. Over a dozen writers have created work especially for the event. Audiences will get a map showing the performances, and can choose what to see when. And the Create Centre café will be open throughout.

Tickets just £6 for a whole day’s entertainment
or £20 for a group of four (must include at least one under-16).

Tickets on the door from The Create Centre
B Bond Warehouse, Smeaton Road, Bristol BS1 6XN

Buses from the city centre: 500, X1, 351, 354, 357, 358, 359
or cycle or catch a ferry to The Pump House or The Cottage.

Download the Celebration Programme.pdf

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Jude Merrill, Travelling Light’s Artistic Producer, said: ‘We’re about creating work for young people, and Show Of Strength is about working with writers. I thought it would be a good idea to combine our strengths -and it’s proved to be a really exciting project.’

Sheila Hannon, Show Of Strength’s Creative Producer, said: ‘The Create Centre has some fascinating spaces and our writers have come up with some great stories to go in them. We think audiences will have a wonderful day out.’

Writers range from Mark Ravenhill, whose adaptation of Terry Pratchett’s NATION is at the National Theatre, to work by first time and young writers. Their brief was CELEBRATION, and they’ve interpreted it in a huge variety of ways, with stories about pirates, vegetables, aliens – and a whole lot more.